Please do not post these updates to news sites if they are newer than what is published on the main site
If you do not own a Bidule license, these won't work for you.
You should always download, install and register the standalone version first prior to attempt to
use the plug-in versions
The plug-in versions of Bidule will only work for registered users.
Standalone (version 0.9789)
Audio Unit (version 0.9789)
VST 2.4 and VST 3 (version 0.9789)
VST 2.4 and VST 3 64-bit audio processing version (version 0.9789)
Standalone (version 0.9789)
VST 2.4 and VST 3 (version 0.9789)
VST 2.4 and VST 3 64-bit audio processing version (version 0.9789)
Version 0.9789 (December 12th, 2024)
Standalone (version 0.9788)
Audio Unit (version 0.9788)
VST 2.4 and VST 3 (version 0.9788)
VST 2.4 and VST 3 64-bit audio processing version (version 0.9788)
Standalone (version 0.9788)
VST 2.4 and VST 3 (version 0.9788)
VST 2.4 and VST 3 64-bit audio processing version (version 0.9788)
Version 0.9788 (October 8th, 2024)
- Fixed Discrete Value List 2 instantiating as Discrete Value List
- Added attempt to keep a group window position and size across saves where they are never opened back
- CLAP hosting : fixed some plugins endlessly loading their state
- macOS : fixed plugin scanning progress dialog sometimes word wrapping
- VST3 hosting : no longer implements context menu interface
- VST3 hosting : prevent randomize/mutate parameters that are actually MIDI CCs
- VST3 version : fixed case where layout contents might not cleaned up/released when being unloaded
- Windows : clipboard might become unresponsive depending on outside contents
Standalone (version 0.9787)
Audio Unit (version 0.9787)
VST 2.4 and VST 3 (version 0.9787)
VST 2.4 and VST 3 64-bit audio processing version (version 0.9787)
Standalone (version 0.9787)
VST 2.4 and VST 3 (version 0.9787)
VST 2.4 and VST 3 64-bit audio processing version (version 0.9787)
Version 0.9787 (July 26th, 2024)
- Fixed adding an instance of MIDI Switcher causing a stall
Version 0.9787 (July 16th, 2024)
- MIDI CC Value/Note Velocity Remappers : Switched to new UI
- Mediapool : Switched to new UI
- CLAP hosting : CLAP_PARAM_RESCAN_ALL wasn't handled properly
- macOS VST versions : fixed resizing offsetting things in REAPER and Renoise
- macOS : added another type of idle timer in order to get more constant idle frequency when there is nothing happening in the gui run loop which caused missed redraws on value display bidules
- OSC : added /allwindows_hide address to the space
- Windows : fixed possible memory leak if a bidule changes name constantly
- Windows : user files (groups, presets, default layouts) will now be going to My Documents/Plogue/Bidule
Version 0.9786 (February 6th, 2024)
- UI : a mouse click could possibly end up not being handled
- UI : adding/renaming a preset sometimes does not update the menu contents
- AU version : in Logic on Apple Silicon, fixed possible crash if popping a dialog window and a control in it has focus
- AU version : added a preference named Plugin.UI.UseWindowModal (integer 1 to enable (0 to disable), this is off by default) to use window modal (only in Logic on Apple Silicon) on these so they can have focus
- CLAP hosting : fixed some plugins may not recall their state
- CLAP hosting : force sending CLAP_NOTE_DIALECT_MIDI even if the plugin prefers CLAP_NOTE_DIALECT_CLAP because there is no note_id in Bidule and this might cause problems
- VST3 version : now always zero-out the output buffers from the host before doing anything since some hosts do not send zeroed-out buffers
Version 0.9785 (November 13th, 2023)
- VST3 version: fixed incoming MIDI from the host possibly being sent to all 4 ports
- VST2 version: removed Studio One-specific sidechain feature for 32 and 64 outputs versions in order to prevent Studio One crashing when using the 32 or 64 outputs version in a Dolby Atmos strip because Studio One would set Bidule to have a sidechain of the selected i/o configuration without supplying enough data pointers to read/write all the channels
Version 0.9785 (September 28th, 2023)
- macOS : fixed possible patchbay flashing when using the mouse in the palette or using the application menus on Sonoma
Version 0.9785 (September 18th, 2023)
- VST3 version : can end up not loading its saved data
Version 0.9785 (September 5th, 2023)
- VST3 version : added VST2 compatibility listing and implementation
- VST3 hosting : when scanning updated/new plugins, VST2 compatibility is queried and stored, if a layout refers to a VST2 that can't be found but a VST3 has declared compatibility, that VST3 will be used and will receive the VST2 saved data
- Fixed VST3 and CLAP hosted plugins not loading back parameter settings overrides for user min/max/locked for random/mutation factor
- Fixed monitoring sometimes skipping a draw with updated values
- Fixed Discrete Monitor showing more empty lines than it should
- macOS : fixed Frequency/Magnitude/Discrete/MIDI Value Display not always displaying the updated name if there is no mouse moving/clicking
- macOS : fixed dragging from palette could possibly end up not adding
- macOS Silicon : fixed possible crash when using Unit Converter set to dB to linear or linear to dB
- Windows : fixed palette filter textfield "eating" some keys
- Windows P64 VST2 version : fixed possible "noise" output in Cubendo after receiving output buffers from the host that are filled with junk values rather than being zeroed out
- MIDI Splitter : Split by note wasn't processing all notes off/all sounds off
- Note Creator 2 (discrete) : now using its own implementation of merging discrete events and keeping last events as the general one was preventing the create of notes depending on incoming discrete events order/position
- MIDI Input Selector/MIDI Output Selector/Note Splitter/NRPN To Params were showing a window when they should not
Version 0.9784 (June 6th, 2023)
- Fixed removed AudioToolbox.framework function replacement causing some devices to duplicate input signals
and/or intermittently cutting signal
Version 0.9784 (May 1st, 2023)
- Fixed removed AudioToolbox.framework function replacement causing devices expecting x AudioBufferLists of y channels
instead of a single AudioBufferList of x*y channels to output silence.
Version 0.9784 (April 6th, 2023)
- Palette: now embedded inside the patchbay and no longer using the native tree control, click on the 8-10pixels on the right side of the scrollbar to have it behave like a drawer and open/close without using the Palette button on top, drag from lower-right corner to resize, click and type into Filter to only show bidules/plugins containing those characters, erase the text completely to go back to all available
- Palette and contextual menu: using same data source to build themselves, default ins defaults outs always showing up first if present
- Added Reset all window sizes entry under the Tools menu
- Added Controls Appearance preference entry
- Added discrete OSC creators/extractors with 16 and 32 channels
- Better calculation for the maximum available height for UIs embedded in a scrolling window
- OSC Monitor: added a clear button to each of the three types
- OSC Monitor: added attempt at dynamic scrolling area size from size of contents
- Patchbay: using current mouse position like the menu entry does when using the paste keyboard shortcut
- Text Areas: added copy to clipboard button to monitoring/read-only cases
- Windows: new UIs showing at high DPI scaling (when applicable)
- VST3 version: now receiving MIDI program change events from host
- VST3 version: fixed non-stereo I/O config not loading back correctly on Plugin Device in Cubase and Nuendo if the project sample rate is different than what is defined as the default one
- VST3 version: fixed using overriden bus and/or I/O count and depending on the host and its sequence of call when loading a project (because it's at a different sample rate than the "default" or some other thing) the shown I/Os on the plugin device might be wrong and cause problems
- CLAP hosting: fixed order of events sent to plugin can be wrong when there's a mix of MIDI events and CLAP note events
- VST3 hosting: added workaround for some plugins returning not supported on an supported input or output speaker arrangement because the other side is really unsupported
- VST3 scanning: added a delay into the terminate/release sequence to prevent one specific plug-in from causing a crash
- MIDI file recorder, buffers, audio file recorder and audio stats: fixed UIs possibly end up truncating a "dynamic" string display
- Text Areas: removed editing for monitoring/read-only cases
- Text Areas: now disabling automatic word wrapping except when it is useful
- macOS: fixed Key Stroke not picking up key up/down events
- macOS Ventura: fixed some specific combinations of the possible internal buffer size of some audio devices, Bidule's buffer size and using the inputs of those devices might end up causing a crash because of an AudioToolbox.framework function that has been completely removed in a Ventura update
- Windows: fixed possible crash when closing a window where a text box/area is currently being edited
Version 0.9783 (January 30th, 2023)
Version 0.9783 (December 12th, 2022)
Version 0.9782 (November 21st, 2022)
- VST3 version: fixed possible mismatch between plugin and host sample rate
- VST3 version: fixed possible crash depending on host, P64 or not and i/o count
- Fixed using textfield for the control type of a group parameter that is an integer not displaying the value correctly
- Fixed drag number parameter value display
Version 0.9782 (November 18th, 2022)
- VST3 version: fixed possible wiping of input samples depending on the host and/or I/O configuration
Version 0.9782 (November 15th, 2022)
- Fixed possible crash when using MIDI learn on a plugin
Version 0.9782 (November 9th, 2022)
- Fixed Pitchbend Extractors loading as unknown when saved in a layout
Version 0.9782 (November 7th, 2022)
- Windows: fixed crash that can occur when displaying an open file dialog in a context where audio files might be selected
Version 0.9782 (November 1st, 2022)
- Discrete processing and bidules are now also available in the non-P64 version
- Added preliminary CLAP hosting
- VST3 version: added way to override the default I/O configuration on a per host basis through the registry/plist
- Fixed cpu usage display text for some missing cores configurations
- Fixed group configuration UI not setting the version when changing
- Fixed Matrix Sequencer UI on/off buttons not changing the parameter value
- Fixed MIDI File Player not updating the dropdown contents when adding or removing file to/from the Mediapool
- Fixed vertical sliders not showing updated value when used in groups and externally controlled
- Better attempt at dealing with vertical sliders and columns for groups
- Fixed VST3 version not updating its I/O count correctly when enabling/disabling buses in Cubase
- Fixed VST3 version handling of MIDI Note Off velocity
- macOS: fixed memory leak possibly occurring when having the same font used at multiple different zooming in/out ratios
- Windows: fixed drag and drop of files on some UIs
- ReWire is now off/disabled by default, use a previous version to access ReWire-related preferences
Version 0.9781 (September 23rd, 2022)
Version 0.9781 (August 31st, 2022)
Version 0.9781 (August 11th, 2022)
Version 0.9781 (August 2nd, 2022)
Version 0.9781 (July 12th, 2022)
Version 0.9780b (June 27th, 2022)
- Fixed groups cache possibly not saving
- Fixed possible on instantiation group scanning preventing the AU versions to load correctly in Logic on Silicon
Version 0.9780 (June 20th, 2022)
- Moved Comment, Audio/MIDI/Discrete Monitors, Matrix sequencers, Matrices, LFSR, Gate Sequencer, Sync Transport, Audio File Player and MIDI File Player to new UI
- Moved text area to new UI
- Moved splash, about, OSC monitor, Group properties, Polyphonic adapter to new UI
- Added drag number control type
- Fixed vertical sliders clicking not being strictly restricted to the track
- Fixed some integer type parameters display as float
Version 0.9779 (May 3rd, 2022)
- VST3 versions: fixed the i/o config discrepancy between loading the plugin then sending the saved data before changing to the used i/o config happening in some hosts
- Added switch button and vertical slider controls to the new UI
- Adjusted some missing margins when using the new UI
- Fixed Magnitude and Frequency Logic Gates not updating their display name like Logic Gate does
Version 0.9778 (March 30th, 2022)
- For bidules using the new UI system, added the possibility to use (shift-)tab when the window gains focus to go through the controls: enter/space will bring textbox/pop menu on related controls, arrows can be used on sliders/knobs/choices
- macOS Silicon AU version in Logic: added possibility to resize a window when dragging the bottom-right corner of the window
- Variable: after loading a file, the slider position defaults to 0 instead of using the saved value
- Variable: added attempt to dynamically switch font size depending on the current min/max values
- Windows when High DPI scaling override is set to application: fixed the font size used in some of the buttons being wrong
Version 0.9777 (February 14th, 2022)
- Windows: newly scanned VST3s do not appear in the list
- NOTE: You WILL need to force a rescan
Version 0.9777 (February 13th, 2022)
- VST3 versions: crash can occur if there is no plugin device present in the layout
Version 0.9777 (February 9th, 2022)
- Moved away from stock OS controls for many bidules' UI
- Preliminary VST3 versions
- MIDI CC Creator: not remembering saved value of Auto-detect value changes in inputs parameter
- Monitor: on Windows and Light mode on macOS do not use expected colours for text
- OSC: extra _str version of addresses for parameters that are an indexed list/choice is not sent with the correct value
- Oscillator: at 1-sample and not bandlimited can use more cpu than needed if inputs are causing internals to be wildly out of range
- VST3 Hosting: selected i/o configuration is not saved
Standalone (version 0.9776)
Audio Unit (version 0.9776)
VST 2.4 (version 0.9776)
VST 2.4 64-bit audio + discrete processing version (AVX capable or Silicon/M1 processor) (version 0.9776)
Standalone (version 0.9776)
VST 2.4 (version 0.9776)
VST 2.4 64-bit audio + discrete processing version (version 0.9776)
Version 0.9776 (December 7th, 2021)
- Monitor window
- macOS/Windows: the type of and the sequence of opened windows can lead to the patchbay not being able to regain focus
- Windows: after clicking in the radar section, newly added bidules positions are wrong
- Windows: In the patchbay, up/down arrow keys are inverted
- Windows VST versions: windows of host VST2/VST3 are not closing when they should
- macOS Silicon: for some unknown reasons, at least one Intel Music Device requires being treated as if it has audio inputs to work correctly